About us

Established in 1988, our modest enterprise began by crafting custom stainless steel components for restaurant, sanitary, and food industry equipment. Our design and manufacturing prowess have grown significantly since then. In 2006, a representative from a McDonald's restaurant reached out to inquire if we could fix a part with a failing weld. We promptly addressed the issue and reinforced the weld. This led to referrals within the McDonald's restaurant network in Montreal and its vicinity for various products with questionable quality. Presently, we cater to over 80 McDonald's restaurants, with new ones joining annually.

We produce identical parts or custom-measure parts that are either unavailable elsewhere or discontinued. Our materials are of superior quality, featuring thicker gauges and robust welding—no short-lived spot welds or fragile plastics here. Our products are built to endure because we understand the demanding conditions they'll face. We offer delivery across Canada and the United States.